Monday, November 15, 2010

I love Quizzes!

So, we checked our mailbox today, which we only do once a week since we don't get much mail (most of our bills are via email)! And we had a exciting package! :) I love quizzes! I was one of those dorks who always did those myspace and facebook quizzes that asked you who your first kiss was, who you last talked to, what your fave color was etc. I love taking them! :) So this quiz is especially exciting and it got me excited about my wedding again after a disappointing week of stresses that made me upset.
This was the Kiley Mullen photography getting to know you quiz! It reminded me of all the reasons why I am getting married and how much this day really does need to be about us and our love! It asked us what we like to do together, what makes us unique, etc. It was a great reminder of how much we love each other! I took my quiz, and Mike is going to take his tomorrow. He likes to have me fill out all of his stuff since his hand-writing is atrocious and I allowed him to go play his video games.
Anyhow, it had a lovely card and magnet (which is already on my fridge). So thank you to Kiley for reminding me what's important about our wedding. And as my friend Melinda says "It is your special day!" :) Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Erin, your spirit is the NUMBER 1 reason I love my job so much... I'm so glad you enjoyed the quiz!!! :) Can't wait to see your responses!!
